Tag Archives: Manhattanapt

What time of the year is the best time to sell a Manhattan apartment?

Many times, I am asked this very question by potential sellers and the answer is it depends. Right now we are heading into the holidays and the coldest part of the year and a shifting market. As the market shifts more heavily in the favor of buyers, starting to sell an apartment in late November,December is like riding a CitiBike uphill with a cold wind blowing in your face. It can be done but it might be better to pursue a different strategy.  I have already advised a couple of potential sellers to start late January or February. The reason is that the holidays will be past and that timing will be just prior to the Spring selling season.

Typically, also starting right before a major holiday is not ideal like Memorial Day, July 4th or Labor day. However, in those cases you can start right after the holidays as potential buyers return from their vacations or long weekends.


Is your NYC apartment too hot?

Sunday’s NYT ask real estate column talks about a person who lives in a co-op where the apartment is too hot as a result of being on the ground floor and directly below the heating pipes of the building. As a result, even with all of the radiators off, the apartment is a sultry 80 degrees.  What about if your apartment is on the other end of the extreme and is  too cold? The article outlines the steps you can take to bring the temperature into a more reasonable range.

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