Manhattan’s upper west side has a new protected bike lane which starts from around the Beacon Theatre at the beginning of Amsterdam avenue and continues up through the upper west side. When I rode it the other day the lane was not entirely painted green yet but works fine just the same. This coincides with Citi Bike’s expansion to 110th street and the Upper east and Upper west side.
NYC has proposed to build a protected bike lane on Amsterdam avenue from 72nd to 110th street. As someone who rides through that area, I think it’s a great idea. We already have a protected bike lane on Columbus avenue and of course safe biking in Central Park. Some local residents are concerned that a bike lane may contribute to even more congestion on Amsterdam avenue due to deliveries.
With several Citibike stations installed throughout the Upper west, a new bike lane would be a welcomed addition for many residents who use the service and cycle through.
NBC News coverage
News about the NYC real estate residential and commercial markets provided and interpreted by an industry veteran licensed since 1999. Brian Silvestry of BSRG Inc. Licensed real estate broker