Tag Archives: pet policy

Does your buidings pet policy affect values?

This very question was posed in the NYT ASk Real Estate column. The general opinion is that a no dog/pet policy limits the pool of buyers but it is difficult to analyze how much. Generally, the apartment may be worth about 5% more because of allowing little Lassie or Milu to live in the building.Klondike waiting

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Should you buy that NYC apartment?

6 tips to help decide to buy a NYC apartment or not

Keep in mind that these tips are just a guide. Obviously, in this market where the inventory is very low, some of these factors will become marginalized. But when making a large purchase like a Manhattan apartment, entering into it with your eyes wide open can only yield better results. I chose not to include obvious factors like views, condition of the apartment and overall affordability. These will be addressed in another series. Continue reading Should you buy that NYC apartment?